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Lower Darwen Primary School: We are proud of our school!
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Lower Darwen Primary School: We are proud of our school!


Measuring the Impact


The impact of the EYFS curriculum is reflected in having well rounded, happy and confident children transitioning into Year 1.


We measure progress and children’s learning across the year through formative and summative assessments which are based on the staff’s knowledge of the child, their learning books and recorded photographs and videos. Our planning and provision are based on the needs of and next steps for our children, and can often change or be adapted due to our daily interactions and assessments. Those children who are not on track are vigorously monitored and meetings are held with leadership team to discuss the support that has been put in place for these pupils and the next steps that need to be taken to ensure they are making good progress. We aim to meet the National and Local Authority data for children achieving Good Level of Development.  Almost all our children make more than the expected steps progress from their starting points.


The judgements of our school are moderated within the Foundation Stage Unit, Key Stage 1, by the leadership team. and other schools. This means judgements are secure and consistent with government guidelines.
