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Lower Darwen Primary School: We are proud of our school!

Additional Safeguarding Information

On this page, find additional information about safeguarding and protecting children on our Prevent strategy and on-line safety. 

Prevent Strategy

As part of Lower Darwen Primary School's commitment to safeguarding and child protection we fully support the government's Prevent Strategy, and take guidance from Teaching Approaches to help build resilience to extremism. Mr Steven Cumbo  is the Prevent Lead at Lower Darwen Primary School.


What is the Prevent Strategy?

The Prevent strategy is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists, supporting terrorism, fundamentalism or extremist behaviours. The strategy:

  • responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views
  • provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support
  • works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health).


The school's Prevention of extremism and terrorism policy can be downloaded below. 

Internet and E-Safety

E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Lower Darwen Primary School. We have extensive security measures in place in school to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Internet and E-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the e-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Banning the internet or technology does not work and it often makes a child less likely to report a problem. Education around safe use is essential. Our safer internet/online use policy can be downloaded below. 

