All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum with the exception of individual or group music tuition.
Voluntary contributions for activities as part of the Curriculum
When organising school trips, visits or workshop activities which enrich the curriculum and educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the activity. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we may cancel the activity.
If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, the child is still allowed to participate fully in the trip or activity as long as parental consent has been given.
If appropriate and funds allow, the school may pay a proportion of the costs in order to support a visit. Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded.
Music Tuition
All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this. Extra-curricular clubs such as choir or recorder are also without charge. There is a charge for individual or group music tuition if this is not part of the National Curriculum.
This charge is paid directly to any service which provides peripatetic music teachers to teach individuals or small group lessons on the school site. We give parents information about additional music tuition at the start of each academic year.
The current charges for this service are listed on the web page Current Charges and is subject to review every year see below
The school organises swimming lessons for one year group of children. Lessons take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum and are free of charge.
Extended School Services
The school provides a Breakfast Club, an After School Club and a Holiday Club for the pupils who attend the school. The Governors charge the parents for these services and base the charges on the number of sessions booked or attended, which ever is the greater. The current charges for these services are listed on the web page Current Charges and are subject to review every year see below.
School Meals
School meals are made available to all pupils for any parent who wishes to purchase them. The Governors charge for these meals on the basis of how many meals are taken. The current charge for this service is listed on appendix 1 and is subject to review every year. Under government legislation (Universal Free School Meals for Infants), the school provides a free lunch for all reception and Key Stage One pupils.
Optional Extra Activities
(Activities which take place wholly or mainly outside school hours and are not required in order to fulfil statutory duties relating to the National Curriculum or to Religious Education)
It is the governors’ policy to charge for such activities organised by the school. The basis for calculating the charge will be proportionate for each participating pupil for travel, board & lodging, materials, books, equipment, entrance fees and insurance.
The following is a list of additional activities organised by the school, which require voluntary contributions from parents. This list is not exhaustive:
• sporting activities which require transport expenses;
• outdoor adventure activities;
• visits to the theatre;
• school trips abroad;
• musical events
Free School Meals Pupils, Looked After Children or Vulnerable Learners
The school is allocated money for children who have free school meals, who are looked after children or children whose parents are in the armed forces. This is called the Pupil Premium. It is the school’s policy to fund these children’s extra activities using part of this funding.
No child is excluded from a visit or activity by their parents’ or carers’ inability to pay.
Activities not run by the School or LA
When an organisation acting independently of the school or LA arranges an activity to take place during school hours and parents want their children to join the activity, such organisation may charge parents.
Residential Visits
The school organises an annual residential visit for Year 6 children. The cost of this trip includes board & lodging, transport, materials, entrance to any sites visited and charges for any activities to be experienced.
A non-residential trip can also organised for children not wishing to stay away from home. The cost of this trip will be based on travel costs, entrance to sites, materials and charges for activities experienced. The governors’ policy is for the school to cover the cost of any additional teacher time necessary to lead the trip or subsequent follow up work.
Where available, sponsorship and/or use of Pupil Premium will be provided for children of families on forms of income support or in special circumstances to enable them to take part in the option of their choice. This is stated clearly on letters and is dealt with discretely and in confidence by the Headteacher. Parents are given the option of a payment plan to spread the costs of the residential visit.
No child is excluded from a visit or activity by their parents’ or carers’ inability to pay.
Charging in Kind
The cost of ingredients, materials, equipment etc. needed for practical subjects such as food technology or DT is budgeted for and borne by the school. However, the school may charge for or require the supply of ingredients and materials if the product is to be owned and taken home by the child afterwards e.g. food products, models containing electrical equipment or batteries. The school will inform parents prior to activities, giving them the choice to pay for materials or purchase their own materials for the activity. However, this charge is voluntary and no pupil will be excluded from the activity if the parent or carer refuses or is unable to make a contribution.
Breakages & Fines
The Governors reserve the right to ask parents to pay for the cost of replacing any item such as:
• broken windows
• defaced, damaged or lost text books
• replacement reading or homework diaries
• any item damaged as a result of unsatisfactory pupil behaviour.
Special Needs
The governing body confirms that no pupil with special needs or disabilities will be treated any differently than any other pupil. The school will take all reasonable steps to avoid putting children with special needs at a substantial disadvantage.
Equality Statement
The school aims to ensure that all its stakeholders (pupils, staff, parents, governors and the wider community) are treated with respect and are not discriminated against because of their economic circumstances, race, disability, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief.
There will be an annual review of this policy by the full governing body.