For a place in Happy Days it is essential that you register and book. To book a place in the club simply collect a booking form from either the school office or after school club.
For regular weekly bookings you will need to obtain a yellow booking form. This allows you to book your child into the club stating what days per week you require, they will be automatically booked in each week. With this method of booking you will only need to fill in one form unless the stated days change. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to download this form.
For variable days you will need to obtain a white booking form which allows you to be flexible with dates and book into the club on a monthly basis. This means that you will continually need to fill a booking form in each month to let us know what dates you require.
We must stress that booking is essential for safeguarding reasons. Our registers and records need to be correct and accurate, this can only be done by parental involvement and completed booking forms.
It is understandable that you may require our services at short notice. If this is the case, you need to contact Liz Baldwin (Happy Days manager) on 07971946760 to book a place in the club BEFORE 2pm. If you wish to cancel a booked place please ensure that you let the after school club know by 2pm the Friday the week before sessions commence. If we are unaware of cancellation by 2pm then you will still be charged for the place in the after school club.
After school club costs £7.00 per session.
Bookings can be made directly by following this link: