15. Who can you contact for further information?
If you have concerns relating to school's provision for SEN please speak to the Headteacher, Mr Steven Cumbo or the school's SENCO, Miss Joanne Phoenix. The formal complaints procedure can be accessed on our website. Please see below for the Policies page. The formal complaints documents can be downloaded from that page.
Miss Phoenix can be contacted on 01254 55639 or via e.mail using the form at the foot of the page. Her e.mail address is joanne.phoenix@lowerdarwen.blackburn.sch.uk
Our Governing Body has a designated SEND Governor Miss Shelley Simmons, responsible for reviewing practice and supporting the SENCO.
Blackburn with Darwen's local offer sets out a range of support and services available to you and your child. This can be accessed at www.bwd-localoffer.org.uk
The SEND Information Report and SEN Policy can be downloaded by following the link below.
Download the school's whole school provision map, Nurture plan and Hearing Impaired Provision (HIP) plan, by clicking on the links below.