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Lower Darwen Primary School: We are proud of our school!
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Lower Darwen Primary School: We are proud of our school!

SEN Inclusion and Well Being

11. How will our school ensure that your child is included in activities outside the classroom, including physical activities and school trips?


At LDPS we provide a number of physical and extra-curricular activities including; BOCCIA, bowling, dance, judo, music, reading, Lego, eco-warriors, football, cricket, rounders, cross country, swimming, tennis, Mad Science, Spanish, hockey, netball, paralympic events and a residential trip in year 6. Classes also go on trips and visits throughout the school year. We try to keep costs as low as possible and attempt to raise money that often goes to subsidise the cost of trips but we may ask for contributions to ensure that the trip can go ahead. No child is prevented from going on a trip through non-payment, trips are paid for any child in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, however trips may not be possible without some contributions from parents and carers.   


We make every reasonable adjustment necessary for all of our trips to be inclusive so all children can attend.   We work closely with all involved with the child at the centre of this, to plan and guide us in order to make the trips as satisfying as possible for our children. The accessibility of all school trip destinations are checked in advance. Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to fully participate. Reasonable adjustments will be made so that children with special educational needs can fully participate.


After school activities are mainly run by both school, with some external providers. All external providers are aware of our school’s commitment to inclusion and it is their responsibility to discuss appropriate provision with you in order to accommodate your child’s needs.


12. How will school support your child's overall wellbeing?


At Lower Darwen Primary School, we believe that a child’s social and emotional well-being is key to ensuring academic progress and ensuring your child is a successful learner.  


We offer a holistic approach to all aspects of our education:


  • Whole school Nurture plan (click on link to download this plan)
  • Dedicated withdrawal area ‘Harmony room’ and safe space break out.
  • Dedicated team of DSL’s - with protected supervision time to discuss any concerns. 
  • Regular safeguarding training for all staff.
  • A clear, structured behaviour for learning policy (click link)
  • Dedicated Well-being team – with Level 5 ELSA’s trained in bereavement support, mental health, trauma led therapies etc, offering support to pupils, parents and staff.
  • Deaf identity work with a waved approach to supported offer (click on the link to download this plan)
  • Personal care support. This is undertaken with the child’s modesty and privacy as our utmost priority. A detailed care plan will be drawn up by the adults supporting your child in consultation with yourselves and appropriate specialists. These are discussed and shared with all staff working with your child.
  • Individual Behaviour plans are used for children who need support with their behaviour.
  • Trained first-aiders and a clear medicine policy. Staff have annual asthma, anaphylaxis and allergy training delivered by the school nursing team.  As well as some staff being trained in personalised medical support for such things as epilepsy and diabetes support.


13. How accesible is our school both indoors and outdoors for children with special educational needs?


Our school is fully accessible with dedicated parking bays and a ramp to access school. Internally, we also provide the following facilities:


  • Ground floor disabled toilet - with rise and fall bed and sink, hoist tracking system, wash, clear, dry toilet and shower and changing facility
  • Internal lift
  • Lap tops, IPads,
  • Interactive teaching boards in all classes
  • Dedicated HI provisions with trained staff
  • Radio aids, Roger MLX aids
  • Soundfield sound system